AXSChat Podcast

AXSChat Podcast with June Lowery, Head of Unit and Deputy to the Director at the European Commission’s Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content & Technology

Antonio Santos, Debra Ruh, Neil Milliken

 June Lowery is Head of Unit and Deputy to the Director at the European Commission’s Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content & Technology (DG CNECT). She has worked for the EU institutions in Luxembourg for the past 25 years in a wide variety of fields including publications, finance, logistics, and digital inclusion. Her current responsibilities include web accessibility, language technology and online safety for children. She is also the CNECT equality coordinator. She is passionate about her job, and about making the digital world safer for children, and more accessible, inclusive and multilingual for all. 

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00:00:03.000 --> 00:00:20.670
Neil Milliken: hello, and welcome to axschat I'm really delighted that we're joined today by June Lowery who is responsible for the accessibility, safer and Internet and languages that unit at DG connect that's quite a mouthful June.

00:00:21.930 --> 00:00:31.620
Neil Milliken: I know you're posting great stuff on social media all the time about topics that are really important close to my heart, but can you tell us a little bit more about.

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Neil Milliken: The work that you do, did you connect the work of the unit, and also how you came to be working in the accessibility space everybody's journey into this is.

00:00:43.710 --> 00:00:52.590
June Lowery (DG CNECT): The first of all, thank you very much for inviting me to be your guest today, I really, really been looking forward to it, so my unit like you said neal looks at safe internet for children.

00:00:53.130 --> 00:01:03.810
June Lowery (DG CNECT): We look at accessibility in the digital space, particularly, we have a piece of legislation that obliges accessibility on public sector websites and mobile Apps i'm sure we'll talk more about that.

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June Lowery (DG CNECT): And last but not least, we're actually there is also overlaps with accessibility and we look at language technologies digital language technologies.

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June Lowery (DG CNECT): And that, of course, overlaps with accessibility in terms of speech recognition speech to text if you've got speech to text you can translate, but you can also do lots of other cool things with it so that's quite it's.

00:01:28.140 --> 00:01:43.230
June Lowery (DG CNECT): All three fantastically rewarding really fascinating subjects and I feel very privileged to be to be working on them and to have this job so how did I get here, I think, totally imposter syndrome being totally equipped and in qualified to do any of those three.

00:01:44.370 --> 00:02:00.450
June Lowery (DG CNECT): studied languages way back in the previous century I worked as a British civil servant in Germany for several years, doing quite interesting stuff on counterterrorism and then after the Cold War ended, you know those good old days we.

00:02:01.500 --> 00:02:08.610
June Lowery (DG CNECT): didn't want to go back to Britain, I wanted to stay in Europe Little did I know how that would become and.

00:02:09.510 --> 00:02:18.270
June Lowery (DG CNECT): So I applied for a job at the European Commission worked in fact on in a different part of the institutions and the Publications Office for a long time.

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June Lowery (DG CNECT): And then, in the last sort of four five years I moved to DG connect, which is the bit of the Commission that looks at the digital single market or it was called that when I joined.

00:02:28.530 --> 00:02:34.050
June Lowery (DG CNECT): And then, for the last three years i've really had this privilege of being of having this job with these three different sectors.

00:02:34.440 --> 00:02:45.900
June Lowery (DG CNECT): and legislative for web accessibility, we have funding and kind of stuff policy unsafe for Internet for children, and we have funding and do research into language technologies and also deploy stuff so yeah dream job.

00:02:46.530 --> 00:02:47.820
June Lowery (DG CNECT): don't ask me how I got it, though.

00:02:50.280 --> 00:02:51.540
Neil Milliken: I won't but but.

00:02:53.430 --> 00:03:02.010
Neil Milliken: How What was it that drew you to to the dream, why is it your obviously it's interesting all of these things fascinate me but I mean.

00:03:03.150 --> 00:03:09.450
Neil Milliken: Usually there's some kind of personal reason why this resonates with you and you get drawn to it.

00:03:10.620 --> 00:03:15.720
June Lowery (DG CNECT): If only life was that order, the European Commission oh naive in the.

00:03:17.100 --> 00:03:18.540
June Lowery (DG CNECT): right place at the right time.

00:03:20.640 --> 00:03:22.260
June Lowery (DG CNECT): manage lots of different things so.

00:03:22.260 --> 00:03:31.170
June Lowery (DG CNECT): that's give us something else totally different to manage so that's, why is that but but yeah I mean, obviously I am not a technician no claims to be that.

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June Lowery (DG CNECT): And so, these slightly more sort of socially policy side of things, I feel more able to bring something to.

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June Lowery (DG CNECT): And I think probably if if you know that horrible interview questions what's your strengths, I think, actually, I really enjoyed communicating I think the Commission does fabulous stuff in so many different areas.

00:03:50.610 --> 00:04:02.940
June Lowery (DG CNECT): And, and the three areas, as I say that we've got in my unit or three spectacular examples of that, and so you know if at least I can help communicate that I think that's a that's a good day job, but at least like I think I can do.

00:04:04.440 --> 00:04:05.700
Neil Milliken: Great and.

00:04:06.990 --> 00:04:18.210
Neil Milliken: So you you alluded to the legislation, and these are big pieces of legislation as well, these are you mentioned that you've already.

00:04:18.630 --> 00:04:29.910
Neil Milliken: got the public sector legislation and we've seen even in the UK, which is led then transpose that into into UK law and that's had a profound impact on.

00:04:30.510 --> 00:04:47.220
Neil Milliken: On all of our public sector websites and we're still seeing now mobile because mobile came in discovered later and that's really increased demand for accessibility increased awareness, certainly in the public sector.

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Neil Milliken: And there's more to come.

00:04:52.410 --> 00:04:53.640
Neil Milliken: So yeah.

00:04:54.060 --> 00:05:00.150
June Lowery (DG CNECT): I mean there's actually surprisingly or certainly a surprise to me when I tried to sort of pull together what.

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June Lowery (DG CNECT): What actually legislation connect has, in the field, and we are not really the specialists in terms of.

00:05:05.880 --> 00:05:11.430
June Lowery (DG CNECT): accessibility and working with persons with disabilities that's my colleagues in GG employment, social affairs.

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June Lowery (DG CNECT): But even in the digital sphere, we have well my unit has our piece of web accessibility, the what's called the web accessibility Directive and the jargon.

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June Lowery (DG CNECT): But there's also the European Electronic Communications code which looks at emergency numbers having to be accessible, you know alternatives be provided.

00:05:29.160 --> 00:05:32.670
June Lowery (DG CNECT): Our colleagues responsible for the audio visual media services directive.

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June Lowery (DG CNECT): Where there are meant to be gradual improvement so it's not sort of like a firm and has tighter deadlines and obligations.

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June Lowery (DG CNECT): As we have in the web accessibility director, but it's still clearly pushing the video service platforms, the video sharing platforms in that direction everything that's online as traditional broadcasters had to be dealt with.

00:05:52.080 --> 00:06:02.610
June Lowery (DG CNECT): As the Marrakesh treaty, you know, in terms of books for the photos with visual impairments, and so on and so on, so there's quite a lot of hard law, even from our side in terms of the digital sphere.

00:06:03.030 --> 00:06:10.080
June Lowery (DG CNECT): But then the really big I think game changer will be the what's called the European accessibility act.

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June Lowery (DG CNECT): it's been adopted it's entering into force, but the actual practical implementation will be as of 2025.

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June Lowery (DG CNECT): And that obliges accessibility on to a whole bunch of services and hardware.

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June Lowery (DG CNECT): That were really identified as being particularly essential for persons with disabilities, so it's not like everything everywhere, has to be accessible.

00:06:32.940 --> 00:06:45.600
June Lowery (DG CNECT): But computing services basically on any online sort of commercial services whether that's ticketing for transport or you know banking services anything like that has to be accessible and so.

00:06:46.050 --> 00:06:52.230
June Lowery (DG CNECT): i'm not i'm not sure if it was serendipity or not, that the web accessibility directive got adopted and entered into practical force first.

00:06:52.620 --> 00:07:02.820
June Lowery (DG CNECT): But if you like, we're sort of paving the way through the public sector, hopefully, encouraging the market stimulating the market showing firms who are offering accessibility services but.

00:07:03.450 --> 00:07:07.860
June Lowery (DG CNECT): You know, we have technical standards to say, this is what accessibility.

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June Lowery (DG CNECT): looks like this is what you can aim for, and not have to invent something else or double guess what actually the definition is so I think is really important to get private sector.

00:07:17.520 --> 00:07:20.910
June Lowery (DG CNECT): on board and actually investing in this that they know they're going to have some.

00:07:21.750 --> 00:07:32.520
June Lowery (DG CNECT): You know that their investment is going to pay off they're not going to be asked to change it again five minutes later and so we're doing that for the price for the public sector at the moment, as you said, new websites and Apps and then.

00:07:33.660 --> 00:07:42.120
June Lowery (DG CNECT): A bigger bang, shall we say, 2025 and I think that will really hopefully bring about this sort of reached the tipping point there.

00:07:42.480 --> 00:07:49.050
June Lowery (DG CNECT): In terms of actually having accessible designed by default that actually will be easier for everyone to do it right from the start.

00:07:49.320 --> 00:08:00.750
June Lowery (DG CNECT): Rather than try to retrofit which we see from the public services is you know it's quite a painful process and it's quite difficult we're thinking accessible right from the get go just you know it's just a win, win for everyone.

00:08:02.670 --> 00:08:04.290
June Lowery (DG CNECT): And I see Deborah agrees with me thank you.

00:08:05.160 --> 00:08:05.430

00:08:07.980 --> 00:08:08.670
Antonio Santos: We know that.

00:08:10.140 --> 00:08:24.780
Antonio Santos: As a massive investment from the Commission in in the digital space funding startups funding projects in different countries, so is there any safeguards or measures that are in place.

00:08:25.530 --> 00:08:31.050
Antonio Santos: That guarantee that you know windows investors investments are made in these kind of technologies.

00:08:31.890 --> 00:08:47.730
Antonio Santos: They they somehow support the creation of a better web and more inclusive web we don't want let's say to invest in a kind of a health care system in bicycle That then is not accessible for people disabilities or do the same in other good, how can we make sure that.

00:08:48.750 --> 00:08:51.330
Antonio Santos: We keep intone within accessibility.

00:08:52.170 --> 00:08:58.020
June Lowery (DG CNECT): yeah I mean, obviously, as I say, for public sector, the law is there, so that puts the framework, but obviously.

00:08:58.530 --> 00:09:06.780
June Lowery (DG CNECT): The email itself is a complex and very multifaceted set up, you know we're a unique kind of body across the world there's no one else quite like us.

00:09:07.200 --> 00:09:14.430
June Lowery (DG CNECT): and obviously getting that word down to you know your Portuguese Council that their local website for rubbish collection actually has to be accessible.

00:09:14.790 --> 00:09:22.200
June Lowery (DG CNECT): You know that's quite that can be quite a challenge for the Member States in that, and we know that the Member States, been working very hard to do that.

00:09:22.470 --> 00:09:29.640
June Lowery (DG CNECT): You know we're talking about 10s of thousands of websites, possibly even more than that, in some Member States, and so it's quite.

00:09:30.540 --> 00:09:41.520
June Lowery (DG CNECT): Challenging chain to be absolutely sure that that's going to work every time but for us in terms of the services we procure I think we're getting steadily better at saying.

00:09:41.970 --> 00:09:47.400
June Lowery (DG CNECT): Things have to be accessible websites, have to be accessible publications have to be accessible and so on.

00:09:47.910 --> 00:09:56.100
June Lowery (DG CNECT): And I think the men and the Member States definitely are trying to do that as well and in and post code, which I think is obviously made everyone.

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June Lowery (DG CNECT): It sort of highlighted the importance the possibilities of home working and the challenges when it doesn't work it really doesn't work.

00:10:04.530 --> 00:10:14.850
June Lowery (DG CNECT): And so, as a part of the commission's that of response to build that better from code, there is huge sums of money through a phone call the recovery and resilience facility.

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June Lowery (DG CNECT): I think if memory serves its over 650 billion in total for the all the Member States so we're talking about big sums of money here.

00:10:23.520 --> 00:10:32.100
June Lowery (DG CNECT): And 20% of that has to be earmarked for digital projects and so that is really unique opportunity for the Member States so for our Member countries.

00:10:32.580 --> 00:10:41.970
June Lowery (DG CNECT): To invest in digital and to really invest in digital that is actually human centric and inclusive and an accessible, from the start.

00:10:42.270 --> 00:10:48.840
June Lowery (DG CNECT): As well as sort of investing in the digital skills and opportunities that we need to have a sustainable digital economy so.

00:10:49.140 --> 00:11:01.140
June Lowery (DG CNECT): You know I can't promise that everyone who receives a you funding is going to have heard of accessibility you're going to spend their money, the way we'd like them to spend it but we're really trying to get that message out there and to have it really in from the start.

00:11:02.580 --> 00:11:12.870
Debra Ruh: Which is so smart that you're doing it right at the beginning, because, as we all know, as you said so eloquently retrofit fitting, it is just so much more expensive and.

00:11:13.770 --> 00:11:21.120
Debra Ruh: And I know that the EU, in some ways, really took a leadership role at which we appreciate it here in the States, when you were you know.

00:11:21.570 --> 00:11:28.080
Debra Ruh: Providing the different content of how do you get accessible, there was a lot of stuff you're providing early on.

00:11:28.350 --> 00:11:37.500
Debra Ruh: which really was helping and it was it was very interesting also This is also i'm going back a ways, but when we had our section five away and we were.

00:11:38.490 --> 00:11:43.590
Debra Ruh: Allowing our corporates to sort of self regulate and.

00:11:44.340 --> 00:11:57.060
Debra Ruh: If I remember the you know we came over a bunch of US came over from the States to the EU, and we were talking about how y'all were going to do it and you're going to be a lot actually stricter than we were in the States and I.

00:11:57.930 --> 00:12:04.140
Debra Ruh: Just really, really appreciated that I really did, and I know in the states we Sue each other, and I also.

00:12:04.590 --> 00:12:10.830
Debra Ruh: Even though I think that's a messy way to do things I also am glad because i'm so tired of the excuses i'm just tired of them.

00:12:11.130 --> 00:12:22.200
Debra Ruh: You know, we can't do it is too much trouble we don't have enough money but actually if you blend it if you blend it in you just try, can you at least don't tell us it's too hard to even try so.

00:12:22.530 --> 00:12:30.480
Debra Ruh: I appreciate from my lens what you're doing I I also liked that you talked about procurement because something that we were really.

00:12:31.440 --> 00:12:40.230
Debra Ruh: You know, really, really harassing the United States Government about is make sure you put it in all your procurement, because then it protects you.

00:12:40.800 --> 00:12:46.440
Debra Ruh: Even if they don't do it right, or they forget you're protected, so I appreciate the leadership that you're showing there.

00:12:46.740 --> 00:12:56.970
Debra Ruh: And I think it's a great idea what you're doing how you're tying it in to the relief money, so I think that's very cool the other comment I wanted to make one question I want to make is.

00:12:57.390 --> 00:13:10.140
Debra Ruh: And I don't want it, this you know all to be from us lens, but of course we like to use the stick and carrot or the stick and carrot approach and so.

00:13:11.100 --> 00:13:15.060
Debra Ruh: How did how Are there things that you're doing to.

00:13:15.570 --> 00:13:30.900
Debra Ruh: Certainly you're talking about the benefit to everyone in the human Center so I understand how you're doing the carrot and you're definitely making sure people have the content they need, but what approaches are y'all taking to making sure that people comply.

00:13:31.590 --> 00:13:33.630
June Lowery (DG CNECT): yeah no that's a really good question and.

00:13:34.110 --> 00:13:39.750
June Lowery (DG CNECT): And really I think there's sort of two layers to my answer, if I can remember the second layer by the time I finished talking about the first one.

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June Lowery (DG CNECT): So, within the director of itself, which I think is I mean, and I have to say, credit to those who preceded me who actually wrote and drafted and negotiated the director of it was nothing to do with me I inherited it.

00:13:50.040 --> 00:13:55.350
June Lowery (DG CNECT): But within each country, you have to have a monitoring body, and you have to have basically a contact point.

00:13:55.740 --> 00:14:04.470
June Lowery (DG CNECT): So I think that is great, because it means there is a single point of contact persons with disabilities, within that Member States should know their rights and if they're not getting them.

00:14:04.800 --> 00:14:14.850
June Lowery (DG CNECT): They should be able to contact that whether it's an Ombudsman or a particular organization, however it's set up so reflecting natural the natural national culture.

00:14:15.270 --> 00:14:21.900
June Lowery (DG CNECT): You can go to one point, you can say look, I asked for this, they didn't reply to me they haven't done it right, this whatever this isn't accessible.

00:14:22.380 --> 00:14:32.520
June Lowery (DG CNECT): I want you know redress and then you have sort of administrative procedures and the law foresees that that has to happen, so the Member States have have to do that on our website, we have a.

00:14:33.210 --> 00:14:38.520
June Lowery (DG CNECT): list of all those bodies so that was the one stop shop people to find them and so that's great.

00:14:38.820 --> 00:14:42.840
June Lowery (DG CNECT): And then the other side of it, and this is in general for all EU legislation.

00:14:43.110 --> 00:14:52.020
June Lowery (DG CNECT): Is that when it's a directive it basically says we set the aims and we say you know, this is what you have to do, but we're not going to tell you how you have to word your legislation.

00:14:52.590 --> 00:14:56.940
June Lowery (DG CNECT): So now we have my poor wonderful staff who are the legal experts have.

00:14:57.480 --> 00:15:05.670
June Lowery (DG CNECT): 100 plus texts to plow through to check that that is compliant so it's completed its conform with the with what we specified in the directive.

00:15:06.150 --> 00:15:12.420
June Lowery (DG CNECT): And if we find that there's something that's really missing, then you know there, there is a procedure that we can.

00:15:13.380 --> 00:15:24.660
June Lowery (DG CNECT): eventually take the Member State to court now, obviously, that is, the nuclear option, I really don't think that's ever going to happen in this particular case, because in fact the Member States have been extremely willing and have been very, very.

00:15:25.710 --> 00:15:30.780
June Lowery (DG CNECT): You know they've really put a lot of effort and resources in, and we can see that we're all pulling in the same direction.

00:15:31.020 --> 00:15:37.290
June Lowery (DG CNECT): it's not like sometimes where people you know where there can be more tensions about that because it's actually been much more controversial.

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June Lowery (DG CNECT): think it wasn't a particularly controversial act, we know that the Member States are doing their best they have to report to us for the first time by the end of this year.

00:15:46.140 --> 00:16:00.480
June Lowery (DG CNECT): On what they've done and then after that it's every three years, I think, two or three years, and so we have these kind of mechanisms in in the directive from the start, so there is a stick there, but, as I say, it's not a stick I hope we will have to use in the future.

00:16:03.570 --> 00:16:13.590
Neil Milliken: If I may follow on from that so so the direct demons transposed into the law and one of the great things that happened in that.

00:16:14.640 --> 00:16:27.720
Neil Milliken: In that writing process in the UK was actually they made a breach of the public sector web regulations equates to a breach of the Equality Act.

00:16:28.920 --> 00:16:32.490
Neil Milliken: And so, and that was really a useful.

00:16:33.570 --> 00:16:52.680
Neil Milliken: A useful strategic thing to do, because the quality X 2010 was quite a willing piece of legislation and it defined what discrimination was but it didn't describe accessibility and therefore it didn't describe that it didn't really outline that in accessibility was discriminatory.

00:16:53.700 --> 00:17:06.840
Neil Milliken: So so by the combining of those two pieces of legislation, you finally end up with something that's fairly concrete that says if you're not accessible you're discriminating and that's.

00:17:07.950 --> 00:17:20.070
Neil Milliken: against the law and so that was really, really That was really useful so that's sort of set the legal precedent and hopefully that that precedent will continue to spread out.

00:17:21.420 --> 00:17:34.440
Neil Milliken: I think that as we go towards 2022 with the state's creating their own legislation and then 2025 when it becomes really into full force.

00:17:35.790 --> 00:17:40.950
Neil Milliken: The there's going to be some definite challenges we mentioned that the challenges of.

00:17:43.110 --> 00:18:02.220
Neil Milliken: retrofitting as as we go from you know public sector, which is super important, and you know really crucial to to supply store to citizens, but everyday products, the number of things that needs to be made accessible, we need to be checked is going to increase.

00:18:03.360 --> 00:18:04.410
Neil Milliken: exponentially.

00:18:05.970 --> 00:18:21.390
Neil Milliken: So I know that that a lot of people that are aware of this, or you know quite concerned about how much effort that needs to be to do this it's necessary effort as far as i'm concerned.

00:18:23.400 --> 00:18:27.630
Neil Milliken: But, but we have with we're somewhat lacking in the skills.

00:18:28.740 --> 00:18:43.470
Neil Milliken: In order to do this not only the the work to make stuff accessible, but also on the other side in terms of the enforcement I won't say it's a stick, because I think that that you can enforce stuff without necessarily the stick there's the.

00:18:44.520 --> 00:18:58.260
Neil Milliken: sticks necessary at the end, but but, but the enforcement needs to happen and that needs to be through the monitoring bodies as that body of what comes in the scope of what must be accessible.

00:18:59.400 --> 00:19:14.100
Neil Milliken: How do we as an accessibility profession and Europe and the US and others because it's not just you know your your your legislation that you're bringing to force is going to affect people in the US in the same way that.

00:19:16.410 --> 00:19:23.610
Neil Milliken: That privacy legislation has had an effect, which is why i'm really excited about it actually because I think that that.

00:19:25.380 --> 00:19:32.820
Neil Milliken: That piece of legislation, this big can have a global effect, even though it's driven by Europe, but how do we.

00:19:33.330 --> 00:19:45.420
Neil Milliken: How do we collectively start to upscale people and share that knowledge, because I think that's going to be one of the real challenges and might even be the crucial point between success and failure.

00:19:46.410 --> 00:19:50.100
June Lowery (DG CNECT): Now I totally agree with you nail, I think I totally share that analysis, I think.

00:19:51.030 --> 00:19:58.530
June Lowery (DG CNECT): You know within Europe we're really short of ICT professionals anyway, and so this March recent anyway, this year there's been a.

00:19:59.370 --> 00:20:07.110
June Lowery (DG CNECT): quite important communication adopted called the digital compass, which really says we were we want Europe to be by 2030 so in this digital decade.

00:20:07.560 --> 00:20:19.380
June Lowery (DG CNECT): And one of the really key and very ambitious targets that's been set, is that we moved from having 8 million ICT specialist having 20 million by 2030 and with gender convergence now.

00:20:19.890 --> 00:20:30.510
June Lowery (DG CNECT): That is a brilliant targets and i'm totally in favor I don't know how we're going to get there, but, partly because of this funding the exceptional funding as a recovery to cove it.

00:20:31.020 --> 00:20:38.100
June Lowery (DG CNECT): Also, because for the first time we have a dedicated digital program in our funding, like our financial envelope for the next seven years.

00:20:38.730 --> 00:20:47.640
June Lowery (DG CNECT): And within the digital program we have a strand, that is looking at digital skills and particularly the advanced skills, so I mean the super complex stuff cybersecurity.

00:20:48.000 --> 00:20:57.360
June Lowery (DG CNECT): htc artificial intelligence all that stuff so again investment going in at European level in terms of devising these courses and getting that sort of stuff up and running.

00:20:57.780 --> 00:21:02.340
June Lowery (DG CNECT): And we are trying very hard to point out to everyone, we meet, and we can call it anywhere to say.

00:21:02.760 --> 00:21:11.430
June Lowery (DG CNECT): Accessibility should be part of those digital skills, because we need people to being taught this you know I think personally it's quite shocking that it isn't a sort of.

00:21:12.270 --> 00:21:20.070
June Lowery (DG CNECT): Accessibility one on one isn't there within whatever you're doing in terms of ICT or design or anything like that, I mean.

00:21:21.090 --> 00:21:28.200
June Lowery (DG CNECT): Why not, you know I just don't know why it isn't hardwired in there, from the start and so we're trying to sort of have those conversations and trying to say.

00:21:28.530 --> 00:21:35.970
June Lowery (DG CNECT): You know, look this money is going in this we know we need more people let's at least make them talk that conversation because, as you say it's a growth area.

00:21:36.210 --> 00:21:44.490
June Lowery (DG CNECT): And it's also a fantastic opportunity to get peers persons with disabilities really good jobs, because we need persons with disabilities, doing the testing it's.

00:21:45.240 --> 00:21:55.200
June Lowery (DG CNECT): Not pointless and I won't say that because our director for CS two types of testing in depth and simplified or automated there's obviously a place for automated testing and to do that at scale.

00:21:55.650 --> 00:22:06.930
June Lowery (DG CNECT): But we really need to have that user experience involved and that I think is really a win, win you know we know, persons with disabilities, a horribly discriminated against in the market in the workforce.

00:22:07.260 --> 00:22:16.410
June Lowery (DG CNECT): You know this is a chance to actually have a good jobs that serve a real need, and that can create really a virtuous circle, instead of this vicious circle of exclusion.

00:22:16.800 --> 00:22:26.760
June Lowery (DG CNECT): Not recognizing skills not you know, being in poverty, and you know everything that we don't want and socially, we know we don't want and economically is just a waste of a good human resources there.

00:22:27.210 --> 00:22:43.440
June Lowery (DG CNECT): So you know fingers crossed we're doing our bit we're trying our best and i'm really hopeful that this these legends these pieces of legislation we actually will make the market show that it's practical and really show them that we need that there is a market for accessibility specialists.

00:22:43.680 --> 00:22:44.700
Neil Milliken: yeah so.

00:22:46.740 --> 00:22:47.460
Neil Milliken: i'm not leaving.

00:22:48.780 --> 00:22:49.380
Neil Milliken: Because.

00:22:50.970 --> 00:22:58.380
Neil Milliken: we're we're in the market we're growing where I work for we're growing our accessibility and we've been.

00:23:00.000 --> 00:23:12.960
Neil Milliken: Perfectly honestly struggling to find enough people with the skills that we want and so seven years ago around about the same time has access to it must be a good year we started our first apprenticeship scheme.

00:23:14.340 --> 00:23:14.940
Neil Milliken: and

00:23:16.020 --> 00:23:26.520
Neil Milliken: we've been running accessibility apprenticeships, ever since, and in fact the best bit of the story is the fact that one of my former apprentices.

00:23:27.390 --> 00:23:35.880
Neil Milliken: was working with me as the co Chair of the trailblazer group that created the national apprenticeship standard traditional accessibility specialist in the UK.

00:23:36.720 --> 00:23:54.660
Neil Milliken: I would love to see this standard be adopted elsewhere or something similar i'm not precious about it because it's not my piece of work it's open source, so you can go to you can go find it and take all the information.

00:23:57.150 --> 00:24:00.270
Neil Milliken: But it seems to me that that clearly you know.

00:24:01.440 --> 00:24:14.490
Neil Milliken: It really is every public sector body has a need for people every company delivering services to those public sector bodies needs people right now and will need people to.

00:24:15.120 --> 00:24:24.420
Neil Milliken: change their offerings adopt adapt their their technologies helped create new ones, because of the legislation that's coming so.

00:24:26.430 --> 00:24:36.270
Neil Milliken: We really, you know as a community and it's not just me, because this was a collective effort to create this thing really, really need to be doing this.

00:24:37.350 --> 00:24:45.060
Neil Milliken: But I know that it works, because we we've done it before, so I would I would love to understand and connect with people in Europe to.

00:24:46.530 --> 00:24:51.570
Neil Milliken: To see this rollout further and us and wherever, because actually.

00:24:52.620 --> 00:25:12.870
Neil Milliken: We need thousands of people doing this man 10s of thousands actually not five or six you know and not little silos and and to take to your point around the different types of testing getting I mean, yes, it would be great to you know engage more people with disabilities in accessibility.

00:25:14.100 --> 00:25:21.480
Neil Milliken: I really, really want to get to the point where accessibility isn't the only viable job in tech for people with disabilities.

00:25:22.620 --> 00:25:23.190
Neil Milliken: So.

00:25:24.600 --> 00:25:26.610
Neil Milliken: It becomes one of those difficult.

00:25:28.320 --> 00:25:30.840
Neil Milliken: Questions and balances, if you like, where.

00:25:32.310 --> 00:25:46.290
Neil Milliken: People go, what are you are, you know you're working access, do you only employee disabled people in your team know we we employ people of all sorts we actively encourage people with disabilities and.

00:25:48.210 --> 00:25:55.800
Neil Milliken: But we also want them to go into other jobs and the point of us doing accessibility is so they can do these other jobs so so I mean it's it's.

00:25:56.880 --> 00:26:11.430
Neil Milliken: Hopefully, and I think you know, obviously you're great ally for this, this is going to be something that will be part of that vision going forwards, is there stuff that we can do as a community to add to your voice.

00:26:15.000 --> 00:26:16.200
Neil Milliken: you're on mute, by the way to.

00:26:18.780 --> 00:26:19.890
Neil Milliken: you're muted still.

00:26:25.710 --> 00:26:25.980

00:26:38.070 --> 00:26:39.030
Debra Ruh: Technology.

00:26:40.680 --> 00:26:42.180
Debra Ruh: It will drive you crazy.

00:26:44.340 --> 00:26:45.180
Neil Milliken: This is either.

00:26:45.960 --> 00:26:48.000
Neil Milliken: Battery related or bluetooth.

00:26:48.960 --> 00:26:55.440
Debra Ruh: yeah and and as she's doing that, just to take some pressure off of her i'm glad you brought up the apprentice Program.

00:26:55.530 --> 00:27:08.250
Debra Ruh: That y'all have lead it with a toast because I just think it's a brilliant idea and I think every single country should take a look at what you've done and adopt it, I do because, how do we grow.

00:27:08.820 --> 00:27:22.200
Debra Ruh: talent if we're not training them, so I just i'm really glad you brought it up, I know we're going to feature you on human potential at work, but I also I want to say, while June gets her thing working that.

00:27:23.100 --> 00:27:33.000
Debra Ruh: One thing that we saw that happened in the States was that we did understand one lovely benefit it probably is a battery as you see you're having to leave poor thing.

00:27:34.380 --> 00:27:37.140
Debra Ruh: But one thing that we saw was that.

00:27:38.460 --> 00:27:48.900
Debra Ruh: You know, as more people like me started bringing technologists with disabilities into the field and encouraging more and teaching them and everything that.

00:27:49.770 --> 00:28:06.840
Debra Ruh: The marketplace started realizing that because these people were accessibility experts that they could also be really good in other parts, so we saw that happen in the state so i'm not saying it's perfect but i'm saying that it was a positive trend that I thought was very helpful.

00:28:10.050 --> 00:28:26.940
Neil Milliken: I totally agree and I think that one of the things that was good that we were forced to do and I found in a struggle at first, when we were not got the blinkers on we want accessible as eaters was the the way that the standards works is that they look at the different.

00:28:28.500 --> 00:28:36.720
Neil Milliken: sort of transferable skills so which other tech areas they overlap with cyber security.

00:28:38.040 --> 00:28:41.370
Neil Milliken: Application development and all of this stuff so so so.

00:28:42.510 --> 00:28:51.450
Neil Milliken: The intent behind it is to set people up with the skills that enable them to have a career and.

00:28:54.060 --> 00:28:58.950
Debra Ruh: I know that Antonio had mentioned in our chat that also it's about aging too.

00:28:59.370 --> 00:29:12.480
Debra Ruh: Because, as juniors saying, and once again we're just going to take some pressure off Julius she solves these things, but you know at is June was saying we need everybody to work, we need people with disabilities to work because, as we age.

00:29:12.990 --> 00:29:23.520
Debra Ruh: There are less workers and we don't want the children to work, we would like the children to not have to work, so I think it's just a really important point, I also wanted to say one other thing.

00:29:24.120 --> 00:29:30.930
Debra Ruh: I keep hearing, I we've all heard that how hard things are we can't do it we can't do it, for this reason, or that reason well.

00:29:31.260 --> 00:29:40.560
Debra Ruh: Okay, well, can we say the same thing about privacy and security because, by the way, it's really hard to stay on top of security and privacy, but if you don't.

00:29:41.160 --> 00:29:45.960
Debra Ruh: we're coming for you right, so I don't i'm just not i'm so tired of.

00:29:46.260 --> 00:29:56.190
Debra Ruh: Always we are the ones left out the Community, people with disabilities, we get left out because it's too hard, oh it's too expensive oh we're spending our own money well when you're spending your own money.

00:29:56.760 --> 00:30:02.010
Debra Ruh: Why don't you just ask some of your partners to help you with accessibility, but after you build it all.

00:30:02.580 --> 00:30:07.980
Debra Ruh: yeah No thank you i'm not coming in and retrofitting it because it's just gonna cost a fortune to fix it so.

00:30:08.280 --> 00:30:20.220
Debra Ruh: i'm just growing really impatient with people saying oh it's just too much trouble to do it so i'm really appreciative of the efforts that June in the EU is making and others because.

00:30:21.120 --> 00:30:33.870
Debra Ruh: When is it not the excuse going to be, I was just too hard i'm just sort of tired of that excuse so, but once again it's too hard to do privacy it's too hard to do cybersecurity so let's just not do it.

00:30:35.610 --> 00:30:42.150
Neil Milliken: yeah I think that people have accepted the necessity of privacy and cyber security and the.

00:30:44.280 --> 00:30:51.300
Neil Milliken: and also the the fact that there is this requirement that it must happen.

00:30:51.480 --> 00:30:53.250
Neil Milliken: This mainly right.

00:30:55.530 --> 00:30:58.230
Neil Milliken: Does everyone get it right hundred percent of the time you.

00:30:59.130 --> 00:31:00.270
Debra Ruh: know but they're trying.

00:31:00.270 --> 00:31:01.500
June Lowery (DG CNECT): sorry about that.

00:31:01.950 --> 00:31:14.070
Debra Ruh: You know, God, you were we were we understand and we understand how embarrassing, it is we're so sorry that, for that, but technology happens so we just we tap danced in the background for you.

00:31:14.100 --> 00:31:15.540
June Lowery (DG CNECT): that's very thoughtful lucky.

00:31:16.560 --> 00:31:17.280
June Lowery (DG CNECT): place like.

00:31:18.630 --> 00:31:20.100
June Lowery (DG CNECT): a help desk I just said yeah.

00:31:20.160 --> 00:31:21.840
June Lowery (DG CNECT): it's just frozen use your laptop.

00:31:23.430 --> 00:31:24.810
June Lowery (DG CNECT): Trying to plug everything in.

00:31:26.160 --> 00:31:28.200
Debra Ruh: It so stressful walk in that so.

00:31:28.440 --> 00:31:29.580
Debra Ruh: You know, we were saying.

00:31:29.850 --> 00:31:31.500
Debra Ruh: As you were being stressed out.

00:31:32.640 --> 00:31:37.200
Debra Ruh: We were just talking about once again and i'll say this when you when you're hearing it June.

00:31:37.560 --> 00:31:46.590
Debra Ruh: I love the apprentice program that they have pulled together Daytona I believe it is a real and i'm sorry that i'm bragging about a toes and Neil, and the team, but.

00:31:47.040 --> 00:31:59.190
Debra Ruh: It really is a great idea and one thing that we saw in the States June was we did start employing people with disabilities to be accessibility experts, a lot of them were already technology.

00:32:00.360 --> 00:32:04.830
Debra Ruh: If they already very familiar with it, but then we started seeing more people.

00:32:05.610 --> 00:32:10.890
Debra Ruh: actually go into these experts with disabilities, that really understood accessibility and taking them into.

00:32:11.190 --> 00:32:17.310
Debra Ruh: Other types of field in the tech field, so it was very promising and one other comment that I made while you were.

00:32:17.670 --> 00:32:34.560
Debra Ruh: being stressed out was that you know, privacy and security that's also very hard, and you know it's complicated and sometimes you think that's right and and it's not and, but you have to do it, and I believe accessibility should be like that, as well, so yeah.

00:32:34.770 --> 00:32:37.860
June Lowery (DG CNECT): An off the record Neil sorry before we go back is.

00:32:38.910 --> 00:32:51.150
June Lowery (DG CNECT): I was just making a note that I think we should maybe we can invite you to talk about that or someone appropriate to talk about that UK just digital traineeship apprenticeship scheme to the expert group that we have for the.

00:32:52.950 --> 00:32:54.570
June Lowery (DG CNECT): accessibility to the Member States.

00:32:54.720 --> 00:32:55.950
Debra Ruh: And we still are on air.

00:32:56.100 --> 00:32:57.870
Neil Milliken: We will cut that out.

00:33:05.220 --> 00:33:06.570
Neil Milliken: we're still recording at the moment.

00:33:07.350 --> 00:33:08.520
June Lowery (DG CNECT): But you can check.

00:33:09.090 --> 00:33:09.390
Debra Ruh: That out.

00:33:09.720 --> 00:33:11.340
Debra Ruh: So we'll take a quick pause.

00:33:11.550 --> 00:33:20.910
Debra Ruh: And then look, you know, do you risk and June you respond to you know that how technology positions can lead to more.

00:33:22.350 --> 00:33:25.560
Debra Ruh: You know more opportunities for people with disabilities so.

00:33:25.590 --> 00:33:26.130

00:33:27.300 --> 00:33:31.470
Antonio Santos: So that is to go back to the question where we left okay.

00:33:32.010 --> 00:33:38.730
Neil Milliken: Yes, yeah so what what What did you were where did it all go on to.

00:33:41.370 --> 00:33:42.660
Neil Milliken: What What did you hear.

00:33:42.960 --> 00:33:46.530
June Lowery (DG CNECT): What did I lost here, he was talking about the fantastic scheme, you have in the.

00:33:46.530 --> 00:33:47.580
June Lowery (DG CNECT): UK I think about your.

00:33:47.610 --> 00:33:48.720
June Lowery (DG CNECT): Digital traineeships and.

00:33:48.720 --> 00:33:50.220
Neil Milliken: apprenticeships, which I think it's.

00:33:50.220 --> 00:33:52.860
June Lowery (DG CNECT): Definitely, something we can all learn from.

00:33:53.100 --> 00:34:02.190
Neil Milliken: Okay, so one of the Okay, so I will I wanted to follow up with that because I think that we would love to see it port because it's totally open source.

00:34:03.960 --> 00:34:11.790
Neil Milliken: And you would so my question, so if we're ready to start again my question to you really is, how can the Community.

00:34:12.570 --> 00:34:36.390
Neil Milliken: amplify your voice in terms of bringing this up the agenda in terms of making sure that this is something that the European Commission and the Member States really understand that we want and we really wish to contribute to yeah i'm in the digital skills agenda definitely well.

00:34:36.480 --> 00:34:46.710
June Lowery (DG CNECT): there's two obvious ways that spring to mind first of all, specifically about the word review and I really must say this because the clock is ticking for this, so we have at the moment, public consultation.

00:34:47.160 --> 00:34:53.970
June Lowery (DG CNECT): We haven't had to public consultations online and the Twitter chat I can give the links on Tuesday and.

00:34:54.660 --> 00:35:05.850
June Lowery (DG CNECT): One of which is the typical sort of EU legal speak quite not that complicated, but quite lengthy sort of questionnaire, but, for the first time ever, to our knowledge, at least.

00:35:06.180 --> 00:35:13.980
June Lowery (DG CNECT): And we've also done a sort of simple text easy to read text which is just I think 10 questions really as pared down as we can.

00:35:14.370 --> 00:35:25.260
June Lowery (DG CNECT): And what I think is super interesting is that we've had twice as many responses to that simple, easy to read text, as we have to the full online questionnaire so that also tells a story, I think.

00:35:25.560 --> 00:35:31.110
June Lowery (DG CNECT): So please anyone listening to this have your say on the web accessibility review give us your views.

00:35:31.440 --> 00:35:42.870
June Lowery (DG CNECT): On what you think the legislation is at the moment, which are what legislation for the public sector, but we have to review it formally and that has to be done by next June so it's a real chance for that, in terms of digital skills as I.

00:35:42.870 --> 00:35:44.760
Neil Milliken: say there is money going to go into this.

00:35:45.210 --> 00:35:51.000
June Lowery (DG CNECT): And the Commission, for example, kind of facilitates a bit of a like a marriage broker sort of matchmaker.

00:35:51.240 --> 00:36:05.580
June Lowery (DG CNECT): So we have already digital traineeships where a firm can come and say we're offering these digital traineeships who's interested or someone can say i'm interested what is there out there and I think that's another vehicle that we can really try and push the accessibility.

00:36:07.410 --> 00:36:13.800
June Lowery (DG CNECT): Need for we need more accessibility specialist there are jobs there, as you said yourself firms are looking for them.

00:36:14.220 --> 00:36:23.790
June Lowery (DG CNECT): And these are the positions can also be a sort of stepping stone for persons with disabilities into more tech jobs, because we know we need more diversity in the ICT industry.

00:36:24.210 --> 00:36:30.300
June Lowery (DG CNECT): You know I mean, with all due respect to the lovely white men of a certain age that we have in this conversation.

00:36:31.110 --> 00:36:40.290
June Lowery (DG CNECT): You know the world is not just made up of guys, like you, you know, so we need more diversity and that really includes people of all sorts of abilities.

00:36:41.100 --> 00:36:50.340
June Lowery (DG CNECT): And to stop you know the obvious discrimination that can happen in Ai and algorithms and so on and so on, we just need to get more diversity into the into the ICT workforce.

00:36:51.420 --> 00:36:53.610
Antonio Santos: So June, so we are no.

00:36:54.870 --> 00:37:08.610
Antonio Santos: In September, what are you what have you plan until the end of the year, what are the activities around your work that we important for us, or for the Community to follow.

00:37:09.300 --> 00:37:10.140
June Lowery (DG CNECT): Okay, so.

00:37:10.230 --> 00:37:15.150
Antonio Santos: straight up is this online public consultation, so I think that in finishes about mid October.

00:37:15.660 --> 00:37:21.300
June Lowery (DG CNECT): early October, we then have all our homework to do really looking at all the replies that we receive.

00:37:22.140 --> 00:37:31.230
June Lowery (DG CNECT): we're also talking regularly, we have a really nice network ourselves with the Member States in the civil servants there and the different ministries.

00:37:31.860 --> 00:37:43.770
June Lowery (DG CNECT): Who were also working with and trying to support them and help them help each other to actually meet the requirements of the directory, so we have a great network there we know people are working really hard.

00:37:44.220 --> 00:37:50.190
June Lowery (DG CNECT): And for the Member States, the big deadline is then December by which stage they have to deliver their first formal reports to us.

00:37:50.550 --> 00:37:59.250
June Lowery (DG CNECT): So, then, we again have to do our homework as of January next year, because the deadline is to have this formal review of the web accessibility directive, including.

00:37:59.520 --> 00:38:10.710
June Lowery (DG CNECT): Analysis of the Member States reporting ready by 23rd of June next year, so we have quite a packed agenda between now and now and next June as well isn't now and the end of the year.

00:38:13.290 --> 00:38:18.990
Neil Milliken: Excellent that that's fantastic and we don't want the next June we're happy with the June that we've got.

00:38:20.010 --> 00:38:20.490
Neil Milliken: On.

00:38:20.880 --> 00:38:27.870
Neil Milliken: on access to really, thank you for bearing with us through the technical challenges need to thank our.

00:38:28.530 --> 00:38:42.840
Neil Milliken: Supporters Barclays Access, My Clear Text and Microlink for and keeping with us over the years, keeping this caption keeping us on that really look forward to joining us on Tuesday on Twitter, thank you very much my pleasure.

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